Craig, Alaska on Prince of Wales Island is home to Alaska's best fishing for salmon, halibut, rock fish, and cod. Our guests usually catch a variety of these fish every day.
Below is the list of the 2022 sport fishing regulations for Craig, Alaska.
King Salmon
King Salmon Fishing Regulations 2022
Daily Limit: 1 King Salmon per person (28" or longer)
Non-resident Annual Limit: 3
Peak Time: May, June, July, Early August
The nonresident bag and possession limit is one king salmon per person, 28 inches or greater in length.
The nonresident annual limit is three king salmon per person, 28 inches or greater in length.
Immediately upon landing and retaining a king salmon a nonresident must enter the species, date, and location on their sport fishing license or on a nontransferable harvest record.
Silver Salmon
Silver Salmon Regulations 2022
Daily Limit: 6 per person
Non-resident Annual Limit: no annual limit
Peak Time: July, August, & September
Size: Average size 6-10 pounds in June through late July, 8-12 pounds
August and September.
Halibut Fishing Regulations SE Alaska 2022 (guided)
Daily Limit: 1 halibut per person per day either <40" or >80"
Annual Limit: None
Size: 10-450 pounds . Best fishing is off shore, as long as weather
permits, we’ll get them!
Peak Time: May, June, July, August, & September
Lingcod Fishing Regulations SE Alaska 2022
Daily Limit: 1 per day; 30"–45" or 55" and longer, annual limit of 2 fish,
one of which is 30"–45" in length, and one that is 55" or
greater in length, harvest record required
Annual Limit: 2 – one must be between 30"-45″ and the other must be over 55″.
Size: 30"-45" or 55" and longer
Peak Time: Mid May, June, July, August, & September
Pelagic Rockfish
Pelagic Rockfish Regulations 2022
Species: Black, Dusky, Yellowtail, Widow, Blue, & Dark Rockfish
Daily Limit: 5 per person
Annual Limit: 10 in possession
Size: 3-8 lbs
Peak Time: May, June, July, August, & September