Craig, Alaska on Prince of Wales Island is home to Alaska's best fishing for salmon, halibut, rock fish, and cod. Our guests usually catch a variety of these fish every day.
Below is the list of the 2023 sport fishing regulations for Craig, Alaska.
King Salmon Fishing Regulations 2023
Daily Limit: 1 King Salmon per person (28" or longer)
Non-resident Annual Limit: 3
Peak Time: May, June, July, Early August
The nonresident bag and possession limit is one king salmon per person, 28 inches or greater in length.
May-June 30, the annual harvest limit is three king salmon
July 1-July 16, the annual harvest limit is two king salmon
July 16-August 30 , the annual harvest limit is one king salmon
Immediately upon landing and retaining a king salmon a nonresident must enter the species, date, and location on their sport fishing license or on a nontransferable harvest record
The “King” of salmon, also known as “Black Mouths,” or "Tyees", average 20 to 30-pounds, though it’s not uncommon to catch a 40, 50, or even 60-pounder. For those who love and wish to catch Kings, the best time to come is the first week of June to the end of June. Although Kings are still around until the end of August, their prime time is earlier in the season.
Silver Salmon Regulations 2023
Daily Limit: 6 per person
Non-resident Annual Limit: no annual limit
Peak Time: July, August, & September
Size: Average size 6-10 pounds in June through late July, 8-12 pounds
August and September
Coho salmon, better known as Silver salmon, are an exciting fish to catch, especially when we get a double, a triple, or when everyone on the boat hooks up at once! Silver salmon usually start showing up in the first week of July and average 6 to 8-pounds. By the time August rolls around, Silvers can weigh 8 to 15-pounds each.
Halibut Fishing Regulations SE Alaska 2023 (guided)
Daily Limit: 1 halibut per person per day either <40" or >80"
No retention of halibut on Mondays beginning July 24th
Annual Limit: 4 in possession.
Size: 10-450 pounds . Best fishing is off shore, as long as weather
permits, we’ll get them!
Peak Time: May, June, July, August, & September
Halibut fishing on Prince of Wales island is excellent. Most of our guests prefer the taste of halibut over any other salt water fish. SouthEast Alaska Lodge targets halibut using short and light Shimano Trevala rods, combined with a high-speed Avet reel. Halibut are caught by anchoring our North River Seahawk O/S and jigging large halibut jigs or using herring on a rock cod lead.
In Southeast Alaska, the Halibut average from 15 to 70-pounds. It’s not uncommon to reel up a "Barn Door” Halibut ranging from 100 to 300-pounds. Average running time from the dock to Halibut grounds ranges from 30-minutes to an hour.
Lingcod Fishing Regulations SE Alaska 2023
Daily Limit: 1 per person/day between 30-40" or over 55
Annual Limit: 2 – one must be between 30"-40″ and the other must be over 55″.
Size: 20-80 lbs
Peak Time: Mid May, June, July, August, & September
LingCod also known as the "Wolf of the Sea" inhabit rocky reefs, pinnacles, and rock piles. Ling's are known for their edacious eating habits. They will eat almost anything; from octopus, black bass, halibut, salmon, and even other lingcod. Lingcod have muscular jaws layered with razor sharp daggers and powerful striking capabilities. Anglers fishing with SouthEast Alaska Fishing Adventures enjoy catching the big "pot bellies." At SouthEast Alaska Lodge we target lingcod during June, July, and August. Our average size is around 30-pounds, but the big girls may weigh up to 80-pounds. Lingcod is a "white meat" fish, that is flaky, with a mild flavor. It's packed with vitamins, minerals, protein, and omega-3 essential fatty acids.
Lingcod is cooked and prepared in many ways. A Southeast Alaska favorite is fish and chips. However, many anglers enjoy baking, grilling, or steaming this high prized fillet.

Pelagic Rockfish Regulations 2023
Species: Black, Dusky, Yellowtail, Widow, Blue, & Dark Rockfish
Daily Limit: 5 per person
Annual Limit: 10 in possession
Size: 3-11 lbs
Peak Time: May, June, July, August, & September
Black bass are a blast to fish for! The most fun way to catch them is in shallow water using butterfly jigs combined with light rods. A lot of action in a short amount of time!
Black bass are famous for fish tacos. Their white flesh is firm, mild, and has a sweet in flavor.
They make for some tasty fish tacos!
Thank you for all the great content! Hopefully restrictions loosen on Rockfish soon. I need some good fish tacos!