Ten cases of herring bait (from Jerry's Bait) arrived this week. We cleaned out one chest freezer and wedged them in. Over the three day weekend, Shake n' Bake 2.0 was cleaned, scrubbed, and she's ready to fish for the Summer.
I also made a bait cutting board that stores a bait cooler, knives, pliers, and two leader rolls. Some really nice kings have been caught this last week; a 35 lber and a 45 lber were caught locally. Bring on the fishing!
#Northriverboats #yamaha #lowrance #shimano #avetreels #gamakatsu #scottydownriggers #Alaskafishing #Alaskahalibutfishing #Southeastalaska #Princeofwales #Princeofwalesfishing #Craigalaska #Craigalaskafishing #Kingsalmon #halibut #lingcod #rockfish #jerrysbait